G-Core Powered Up! A free PDF series offering new powers for your G-Core games! Volume 1 Issue #1 -21 new powers! Issue #2 -19 new powers! Issue #3 -19 new powers! [Parental Warning: Please view prior to letting children under 13 read] Issue #4 -24 NEW POWERS! - Issue #5 -10 New Powers for use with Dark Days: BlackBolt! - - - |
G-Core Support Material Additional Material Vol. 1 -Includes: Sentient Robot Origin -Gestalt and Transform Powers SENTIENT ROBOT NPCs Vol.1 Character Sheet LoRes |
Additional Material Vol. 3 -New HERO Types -VILLAIN TYPES!!! -New Powers! COMBAT TURN -A quick comic on how combat works in G-Core Quick Start Cards -In a rush? These quick start cards simplify the character sheet down to 1 small card the size of a bookmark! Character Detail Sheets -Great for bringing a little more life to your character. -Includes BLANK hero templates to help draw characters. G-Core Campaign Trackers -Keep track of those vital and not-so vital moments in the history of the character! EVEN MORE EXTRAS -Get a handful of new encounters right out of Jay's home game! The Jay Amerkanian Files -Meet some heroes from the mind of the other half of Dilly Green Bean Games! SAMPLE Character Generation -Get a quick look at how easy it is to generate a G-Core hero. POWER TRACKER! -Keep track of cool tricks you do with your powers and load up on Special Focus power stunts! Galactic Guardians BONUS Material (FREE) -Stats for the Star Elders and Galactic Legionnaires Map Overlay for Bean Town -HERE |
G-Core FREEBIE Page |
G-Core Errata, Specifications and Optional Rules CLICK HERE |
POWER OVERLOAD -New Power Rules for G-Core game masters who really want to stick it to their players! |